WCSE 2015
We present to our readers the 5th volume of "2015 The 5th International Workshop on Computer Science andEngineering-Information Processing and Control Engineering-WCSE 2015-IPCE" This proceedings contains articles reflecting the research results in the fields of computer science and engineering technologies, Information Processing and Control Engineering ect. The articles will be useful for many engineers as well as for academic teachers and students majoring in the mentioned fields of engineering science.
- ISBN: 978-981-09-5471-0
- Editor: Prof. Maode Ma, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
- Pages: 844
- Online: Jun 30, 2015
Article# | Article Title & Authors (WCSE 2015) | Page |
1 |
Qazi Emad-ul-Haq, Hatim Aboalsamh, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Muhammad Hussain, Wadood Abdul, Sanaa Ghouzali, Saeed Bamatraf |
762 |
2 |
Ghulam Muhammad Shaikh, Quanxin Zhang, Yu-an Tan |
770 |
3 |
Zhen Jia, Jianqing Li, Wanpei Geng |
776 |
4 |
S. Manoj, Ashwin. G. Kothari |
781 |
5 |
E. Mattar |
787 |
6 |
Izyana Ariffina, Muhammad Fisol Mohamed Hanif, Badariah Solemon |
792 |
7 |
Norriza Hussin |
798 |
8 |
Palidan Tuerxun, Fang Dingyi, Askar Hamdulla |
803 |
9 |
Nurbek Saparkhojayev, Askar Kurymbayev |
807 |
10 |
Orawit Thinnukool, Noodchanath Kongchouy |
812 |
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