WCSE 2015
ISBN: 978-981-09-5471-0 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2015.04.126

UniCrime: A Mobile Solution for on Campus Crime Reporting using Volunteered Geographic Information

Izyana Ariffina, Muhammad Fisol Mohamed Hanif, Badariah Solemon

Abstract— Rapid advancement of information and telecommunication technologies today enables the Internet users to produce, share and consume geographic information (GI) virtually and globally. This type of information, termed as volunteered geographic information (VGI), has been widely used as an alternative source of information for many areas; world mapping, health monitoring, disaster relief and crime prevention. In this paper, we discuss the potentials of acquiring VGI as an information source to a mobile application for reporting an on campus crime incident. We analyze the expected features required by our potential users which were gathered through a survey and propose an application prototype for our to-be developed mobile application based on the survey results.

Index Terms— Volunteered Geographic Information; On Campus Crime; Mobile Application.

Izyana Ariffina, Muhammad Fisol Mohamed Hanif, Badariah Solemon
College of Information Technology, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, MALAYSIA


Cite: Izyana Ariffina, Muhammad Fisol Mohamed Hanif, Badariah Solemon, "UniCrime: A Mobile Solution for on Campus Crime Reporting using Volunteered Geographic Information," 2015 The 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Information Processing and Control Engineering (WCSE 2015-IPCE), pp. 792-797, Moscow, Russia, April 15-17, 2015.