WCSE 2018 ISBN: 978-981-11-7861-0
DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2018.06.039

The Influence of YouTube for Music Industry in a Digital Era

Reni Diah Kusumawati, Teddy Oswari, Tristyanti Yusnitasari, Singgih Wisnu Pranata

Abstract— The development of social media and the increasing number of Internet users, give the opportunities for musicians and music industry in Indonesia utilizing the media for promotion. YouTube is one of the social media chosen by musicians to introduce their music by uploading video clips or video performances of the song they want promoted. YouTube visitor numbers are increasing every year and it expected can help musicians to introduce their works to public. This study aims to determine how the role of YouTube for musicians in introducing the works of musicians to community, and to know how big the role of YouTube as a promotion media in helping the music industry in Indonesia. This study was conducted by interviewing musicians and music business personnel to gauge the perspective of musicians which are involved in promotion online using YouTube, in order to determine the role of YouTube to promote the works of musicians. The results indicate that YouTube gives musicians a very helpful role in promoting the musician’s works in Indonesia.

Index Terms— promotion, music, youtube

Reni Diah Kusumawati, Teddy Oswari, Tristyanti Yusnitasari, Singgih Wisnu Pranata
Gunadarma University, INDONESIA


Cite: Reni Diah Kusumawati, Teddy Oswari, Tristyanti Yusnitasari, Singgih Wisnu Pranata, "The Influence of YouTube for Music Industry in a Digital Era," Proceedings of 2018 the 8th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 217-221, Bangkok, 28-30 June, 2018.