WCSE 2023
ISBN: 978-981-18-7950-0 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2023.06.045

A Garbage Identification and Its Processing Fee Calculation System Based on Deep Learning and Carbon Emission

Yueqian Hong, Zongwen Fan

Abstract—With the rapid development of urbanization, the identification of garbage becomes more and more important for reducing the environment pollution, using the renewable resources, and saving urban land resource. To address this problem, this paper introduces the deep learning model for garbage identification and the carbon emission for garbage processing fee calculation. Specifically, the deep learning model is first used to identify the garbage from an image. After that, an intelligent charging method based on carbon emission, garbage collecting and processing is presented. With the trained model, this system is able to significantly shorten the time of garbage classification and improve the efficiency of garbage recycling management. In addition, this provide a solution for calculating the garbage processing fee based on the carbon emission. Finally, we develop a garbage fee software with user friendly interface for garbage processing and garbage processing fee systems.

Index Terms—Garbage identification, Garbage processing fee calculation, Deep learning, Carbon emission

Yueqian Hong
Xiamen Foreign Language School, CHINA
Zongwen Fan
College of computer science and engineering, Huaqiao University, CHINA


Cite: Yueqian Hong, Zongwen Fan, "A Garbage Identification and Its Processing Fee Calculation System Based on Deep Learning and Carbon Emission" Proceedings of 2023 the 13th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2023), pp. 301-306, June 16-18, 2023.