WCSE 2023
ISBN: 978-981-18-7950-0 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2023.06.043

The Influence of Electronic WOM on Chinese Gen Z Consumers’ Green Consumption

Xiaolie Qi

Abstract—The study explored the influence of electronic word of mouth (electronic WOM) on social media and its impact on Chinese Generation Z (Gen Z) consumers’ green consumption. Existing research on the influence of electronic WOM on social media towards Chinese Gen Z consumers' green product purchase decisions has been relatively limited. This study applies an exploratory qualitative method to conduct indepth interviews with 30 Chinese Gen Z consumers in China. The findings suggest that electronic WOM on social media directly influence Chinese Gen Z consumers' green consumption. Traditional offline word of mouth (offline WOM) moderates the relationship between electronic WOM on social media and green consumption intentions. The result of this study will contribute word of mouth theory and provides applied social media marketing recommendations for green product manufacturers in mainland China.

Index Terms—electronic WOM, Chinese Gen Z consumers, green product, green consumption

Xiaolie Qi
South China Business College Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, CHINA
CQ University, AUSTRALIA


Cite: Xiaolie Qi, "The Influence of Electronic WOM on Chinese Gen Z Consumers’ Green Consumption" Proceedings of 2023 the 13th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2023), pp. 289-294, June 16-18, 2023.