WCSE 2023
ISBN: 978-981-18-7950-0 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2023.06.028

Internet of Things Based Patient-Centered Care Model for Elderly Healthcare: A Conceptual Model

Nur Hani Zulkifli Abai, Saira Nawaz, Mawarny Md Rejab

Abstract—The increase in elderly population escalates the challenges in the elderly healthcare service. To increase the quality of healthcare service for elderly, patient-centered care approach has been proposed. However, there are few issues need to be highlighted. Among the issues are the need of continuous monitoring that requires continuous clinical data collection. This involves huge labor and increase medical service cost. Apart from that, most elderly patients have multimorbidity that requires health services from multiple care providers and multiple care environments. Transmission between care providers and care environment require more efficient health information sharing method. To overcome these problems, the use of the Internet of Things has been introduced to help in terms of data collection and data transmission. This paper presents a conceptual model on Internet of Things based Patient-Centered Care for elderly healthcare monitoring. It comprises the Internet of Things layer, two principles from Patient-Centered Care Model and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Process.

Index Terms—Internet of Things, Software Engineering, Smart Healthcare, Patient Centered Care, Elderly

Nur Hani Zulkifli Abai, Saira Nawaz, Mawarny Md Rejab
School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, MALAYSIA


Cite: Nur Hani Zulkifli Abai, Saira Nawaz, Mawarny Md Rejab, "Internet of Things Based Patient-Centered Care Model for Elderly Healthcare: A Conceptual Model" Proceedings of 2023 the 13th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2023), pp. 196-201, June 16-18, 2023.