WCSE 2022 Spring
ISBN: 978-981-18-5852-9 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2022.04.183

The SD Model Analysis of Remanufacturing Supply Chain Considering Consumer Education

Yuting LI, De Xia, Wanting Zhao, Yundong Zhang

Abstract— The development of remanufacturing industry cannot be separated from the acceptance and support of consumers. To some extent, it can promote the development of remanufacturing industry by improving consumers' environmental awareness. Based on the system dynamics, this paper established a twolevel supply chain composed of manufacturer and the third-party recycler with government subsidies. Meanwhile, manufacturer educate consumers on environmental awareness by investing in green advertising. The research shows that consumer education can promote the development of remanufacturing supply chain, and in the early stage of remanufacturing, manufacturer can improve the profit level of remanufacturing supply chain by means of consumer education in the absence of government subsidies. But government participation in subsidies is more conducive to the long-term development of the remanufacturing industry. Compared with different government subsidies, when the government subsidize manufacturers, the effect of consumer education is the best, and the profit level of supply chain members is relatively high.

Index Terms— remanufacturing, system dynamics, consumer education.

Yuting Li
Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan China
De Xia
Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan China
Wanting Zhao
Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan China
Yundong Zhang
Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan China


Cite: Yuting LI, De Xia, Wanting Zhao, Yundong Zhang, " The SD Model Analysis of Remanufacturing Supply Chain Considering Consumer Education, " WCSE 2022 Spring Event: 2022 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, pp. 1588-1596, Sanya, China, April 15-18, 2022.