WCSE 2022 Spring
ISBN: 978-981-18-5852-9 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2022.04.152

A Systemic Approach to Risk Management for Smart City Governance

Tiep Nguyen, Leonie Hallo, Nghia Hoai Nguyen, Bao Van Pham

Abstract— Smart cities offer much promise but also present many types of risk. There is a growing body of literature examining the benefits and downsides of smart cities including various categories of risk. Among the typical types of risks are technological, organisational and social. Of these, technological and organisational risks are most investigated and social risks are relatively less so. This paper presents a model of risk management for smart city governance based upon a systemic approach. The model draws upon a literature survey of risks identified within smart city projects from 2010 to 2021. The potential systemic risk was analyzed through the use a governance model which identifies the smart city as a system of systems (SoS), consisting of constituent systems: transport, energy, cultures, economy, education, health, with technology located as a central system. The risk model was carefully examined in the consideration of external factors acting upon the smart city, constraints upon the governing body, and how the feedback from the smart city to the governing body can help that body to fine tune its governance procedures for „satisficing‟ results.

Index Terms— smart city governance, systemic risk and risk management.

Tiep Nguyen
Department of Civil Engineering, International University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Leonie Hallo
Adelaide Business School, The University of Adelaide, Australia; Adealide, Australia
Nghia Hoai Nguyen
Department of Civil Engineering, International University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Bao Van Pham
Department of Civil Engineering, International University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Cite: Tiep Nguyen, Leonie Hallo, Nghia Hoai Nguyen, Bao Van Pham, " A Systemic Approach to Risk Management for Smart City Governance, " WCSE 2022 Spring Event: 2022 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, pp. 1321-1328, Sanya, China, April 15-18, 2022.