WCSE 2021
ISBN: 978-981-18-1791-5 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2021.06.007

Research on Integration of Information System in Customs Supervi-sion Warehouse Based on Business Process Improvement

Han Chengguo, Guanwei Jang, Zhao Jiuxian, Qin Shilin

Abstract— With the rapid development of China's import and export trade, customs supervision warehouse is facing the pressure of order surge, fragmentation and complex commodity SKU, which affects the opera-tion efficiency and error rate. This paper comprehensively investigates and analyzes the three core processes of customer appointment, goods in and out of warehouse and customs declaration. Taking YanTian ware-house in Shenzhen of X supply chain company as an example, based on commodity master data management and unified management of appointment form, customs declaration form and goods information of in and out of warehouse, to simplify the operation process and reduces duplicate data entry. Through the establishment of an integrated and unified warehouse information system, the integration of customer appointment, WMS and customs declaration system, to ensure the accuracy of the data and information of goods in and out of the warehouse and the efficient operation of the whole process, and promote the intelligent and digital upgrading of the information operation of Customs warehouse management.

Index Terms— Business Process Improvement, Core Process, Master Data Management, Information Integra- tion System

Han Chengguo, Guanwei Jang
Guangdong University of Science and Technology, CHINA
Zhao Jiuxian
Shenzhen GuanYunTong Technology Co., Ltd, CHINA
Qin Shilin
Shenzhen YourSender Supply Chain Group Co., Ltd, CHINA


Cite: Han Chengguo, Guanwei Jang, Zhao Jiuxian, Qin Shilin, "Research on Integration of Information System in Customs Supervi-sion Warehouse Based on Business Process Improvement ," 2021 The 11th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2021), pp. 42-47, Shanghai, China, June 19-21, 2021.