WCSE 2020 Summer
ISBN: 978-981-14-4787-7 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2020.06.023

Identification and Analysis of Radio Monitoring Service Based on the Meet-in-the-Middle Strategy

Fan Jing, Li Huiyu, Fei Wei, Luo Chao

Abstract— Based on a deep understanding of SOA and services, different service identification methods are compared, radio monitoring atomic services and business application services are identified and analyzed by using the meet-in-the-middle strategy in this paper. This identification and analysis method can provide reference for other departments or industries in the construction of application systems based on SOA architecture.

Index Terms— SOA, service identification, meet-in-the-middle strategy, radio monitoring

Fan Jing, Li Huiyu, Fei Wei, Luo Chao
The State Radio Monitoring Center, CHINA


Cite: Fan Jing, Li Huiyu, Fei Wei, Luo Chao , " Identification and Analysis of Radio Monitoring Service Based on the Meet-in-the-Middle Strategy " Proceedings of 2020 the 10th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2020), pp. 138-143, Shanghai, China, 19-21 June, 2020.