WCSE 2015
ISBN: 978-981-09-5471-0 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2015.04.120

Construct the Cloud Services Platform of Educational Resources to Achieve Regional Sharing of Educational Resources

Zhijun Liu, Pengxi Li, Ling Lu, Lie Han, Guili Zhang

Abstract— In recent years, with the rapid development and popularity of the Internet, some emerging network technologies bring a profound impact to information construction in higher education. The traditional teacher-centred instructional mode has been unable to meet the needs of modern education. Through construction of excellent course and open course, many colleges and universities have accumulated a large number of high-quality online educational resources, to build the cloud platform of educational resources that can support regional sharing. If using of appropriate sharing mode, it can improve the utilization of educational resources and accelerate the pace of universities education information.

Index Terms— education cloud, educational resources, regional sharing.

Zhijun Liu, Pengxi Li, Ling Lu, Lie Han
Information Center, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, CHINA
Guili Zhang
Modern Educational Technology Center, Southwest Petroleum University, CHINA


Cite: Zhijun Liu, Pengxi Li, Ling Lu, Lie Han, Guili Zhang, "Construct the Cloud Services Platform of Educational Resources to Achieve Regional Sharing of Educational Resources," 2015 The 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Information Processing and Control Engineering (WCSE 2015-IPCE), pp. 756-761, Moscow, Russia, April 15-17, 2015.