WCSE 2015
ISBN: 978-981-09-5471-0 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2015.04.047

Topologies of the Onboard Networks for Small Spacecraft

V.Kh. Khanov, T.V. Borodina

Abstract— At present, the network way of spacecraft onboard equipment interaction is becoming widespread. This paper discusses variants of the onboard network topologies for small spacecraft. Examples of the options considered are presented.

Index Terms— small spacecraft, board network, SpaceWire.

V.Kh. Khanov, T.V. Borodina
Laboratory of Electron Space Device Engineering, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, RUSSIA


Cite: V.Kh. Khanov, T.V. Borodina, "Topologies of the Onboard Networks for Small Spacecraft," 2015 The 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Information Processing and Control Engineering (WCSE 2015-IPCE), pp. 284-288, Moscow, Russia, April 15-17, 2015.