WCSE 2016
ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.057

After School Tangram as an Example in Interactive Digital Puzzle Game Design

P. S. Pa, C. W. Sun

Abstract— The study is to discuss the effect which is to combine both Entity toys and Digital game. Tangram is one of the common entity toys. We use Tangram and the image recognition to integrate Entity toys and Digital game in order to raise the interest of Puzzle game. Players have to put Tangram together on a platform with a video camera filming. We can use the image recognition to identify if the players have completed the mission. It shows the performance evaluation of the combination of Entity toys and Digital game compared with the traditional entity toys based on the result of the games. Research Performance: 1. For Human-Computer Interaction, we design a digital game platform. By using a webcam, the computer will be notified the position how players place the pieces of Tangram and identify if the mission is completed. 2. For the digital game platform, Players not only play Tangram with the traditional game rules, but also have to complete the mission within a limited time. It can increase the interest of Puzzle game by adding the game stages. 3. By doing the surveys, we conclude the primary purpose of the game development and try to understand what Players want and learn from Tangram to raise their interest to the game. After Players finish playing the game, they will do a survey again to show if the game combined both Entity toys and Digital can satisfy their request to raise the interest to Puzzle game indeed. Moreover, the survey result can be an efficient research source for the future Puzzle game design. Human-Computer Interaction game is getting popular recently. The combination of Entity toys and Digital gives a new definition to the ancient puzzle games. Playing Tangram with this new combination can get more people to enjoy the game easily.

Index Terms— digital game, interaction, puzzle game, Tangram, players, toys.

P. S. Pa, C. W. Sun
Department of Digital Content Design, Graduate School of Toy and Game Design, National Taipei University of Education, TAIWAN


Cite: P. S. Pa, C. W. Sun, "After School Tangram as an Example in Interactive Digital Puzzle Game Design," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 359-365, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.