WCSE 2016
ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.025

Game Theoretic Approach to Spectrum Resource Sharing and Pricing in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks

Guopeng Zhang, Jie Gu, Shuo Xiao, Jun Deng, Jinbai Zhao

Abstract— The current game models for Cognitive Radio (CR) networks, such as auction mechanisms and noncooperative games are always used separately and independently, which complies with the simple onelayer dynamic spectrum access (DSA) scenario well. However, integrated game models which jointly consider the negotiation and cooperation between the primary users (Pus) and second users (SUs), and the benefits of individual PUs and SUs in the newly emerged relaying based CR networks has been very rare. The design of the integrated game model has to consider the specific features of the intra-layer competition and the cross-layer negotiation in the new CR scenarios, simultaneously. The layered and cross-layered DSA schemes and related scheduling algorithms research will provide the achievement and outcomes for cooperative relaying and overlay based CR networks. The advantage of the new merging technology which combines cooperative relaying and CR is superior to the pure spectrum-transfer based CR technology nowadays in terms of QoS support and high spectrum and energy efficiency.

Index Terms— cognitive radio networks, dynamic spectrum access, game theory, cross layer design, convex optimization.

Guopeng Zhang, Shuo Xiao, Jun Deng, Jinbai Zhao
School of Computer Science & Technology, China Univ. of Mining & Tech., CHINA
Jie Gu
Department of Fundamental Courses, Xuzhou Air Force College, CHINA


Cite: Guopeng Zhang, Jie Gu, Shuo Xiao, Jun Deng, Jinbai Zhao, "Game Theoretic Approach to Spectrum Resource Sharing and Pricing in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 150-154, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.