WCSE 2017
ISBN: 978-981-11-3671-9 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2017.06.073

Design and development virtual exhibition system for museum based on Augmented Reality

Yue Yu, Shuchang Xu, Qingshu Yuan, Yongchun Zhang

Abstract— The contradiction between taking pictures and exhibits protection and order maintenance has become an urgent problem to be solved by the museum. This paper introduced a virtual exhibition system for museum based on Augmented Reality technology to solve this problem. This paper developed a system based on ARToolKit, repaired the ARToolKit some defects about marker identification and texture mapping and achieved a variety of interactive functions. It conducted a test run in the Zhejiang provincial museum. It had a very good promotion value and application prospects.

Index Terms— museum; Augmented Reality; mobile phone

Yue Yu, Shuchang Xu, Qingshu Yuan
College of Information Science and Engineering, Hangzhou Normal University, CHINA
Yongchun Zhang
Zhejiang Provincial Museum, CHINA


Cite: Yue Yu, Shuchang Xu, Qingshu Yuan, Yongchun Zhang, "Design and development virtual exhibition system for museum based on Augmented Reality," Proceedings of 2017 the 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 429-433, Beijing, 25-27 June, 2017.