WCSE 2018 ISBN: 978-981-11-7861-0
DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2018.06.094

Exploration and Progress of Mobile Medical Treatment in Our Hospital

Hongcheng Tian, Cheng Dong, Taihuan Li, Jinkui Ma

Abstract— With the development of mobile digital technologies and medical science, more and more people pay attention to mobile medical treatment in the circle of wisdom medical. This paper describes the definition, contents, architecture and three typical applications of mobile medical treatment, and introduces the exploration and progress of mobile medical treatment of our hospital in two aspects: the mobile digital hospital in the Internet and the mobile medical platform in the intranet of our hospital. Additionally, the nextstep schematizations in our hospital are presented, such as the mobile medical vehicles and the vehicle head magnetic resonance system. This paper is a valuable reference for researchers and engineers to carry out the further study on the mobile medical treatment.

Index Terms— mobile medical treatment, exploration, progress

Hongcheng Tian, Taihuan Li
Information Department, The 309th Hospital of PLA, CHINA
Cheng Dong
The Department of Medical Administration, The 309th Hospital of PLA, CHINA
Jinkui Ma
Health Care Office, The 309th Hospital of PLA, CHINA


Cite: Hongcheng Tian, Cheng Dong, Taihuan Li, Jinkui Ma, "Exploration and Progress of Mobile Medical Treatment in Our Hospital," Proceedings of 2018 the 8th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 555-560, Bangkok, 28-30 June, 2018.