WCSE 2018 ISBN: 978-981-11-7861-0
DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2018.06.084

Implementation of Microservice-based Network Traffic Logger

Chakrit Phain, Yachai Limpiyakorn

Abstract— For the benefits of information security, data storage management is often performed under supervision of official regulations, such as ISO/IEC 27001. One of the topics addressing operations security specifies the requirements of logging and monitoring to record events and generate evidence. As the vast amount of traffic flowing over the internet continues to grow, this paper presents the implementation of network traffic logger using Microservices to promote scalability. It also enables isolated upgrades and new features without necessarily disrupting other services and the teams developing other services. With the assistance of the microservice architecture, the log management system would be more easily managed and scaled.

Index Terms— traffic log management, information security, microservices

Chakrit Phain, Yachai Limpiyakorn
Department of Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND


Cite: Chakrit Phain, Yachai Limpiyakorn, "Implementation of Microservice-based Network Traffic Logger," Proceedings of 2018 the 8th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 492-496, Bangkok, 28-30 June, 2018.