WCSE 2019 SPRING ISBN: 978-981-14-1455-8
DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2019.03.027

Cloud Based Teacher’s Assessment Data in Educational Data Mining

Than Htike Aung, Nang Saing Moon Kham

Abstract— Questionnaire of teacher ‘s assessment survey in higher educational system is very important and especially cost effective method which is one of survey type from three such as face-to-face interviews and telephone interviews. Teacher assessment survey for educational system is very important in developing countries to improve the education system can be well mot ivated from evaluation of teacher assessment survey data by analyzing knowledge discovery data mining process. Teacher assessment survey data can be collected from mobile phone android application and which data stored on cloud storage database. In this system the real data is collected for teachers from the University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar. Association rule mining is one of the approaches to extract hidden frequent pattern and association rules between the items of dataset with varying levels of strength. The proposed system also used simple k means clustering to organize the levels of groups of data set. In this paper presents the relevant studies in the EDM field and KDD process steps.

Index Terms— Association rule, K means, Educational Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery from Data.

Than Htike Aung, Nang Saing Moon Kham
University of Computer Studies, MYANMAR


Cite: Than Htike Aung, Nang Saing Moon Kham, "Cloud Based Teacher’s Assessment Data in Educational Data Mining," Proceedings of 2019 the 9th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering WCSE_2019_SPRING, pp. 159-164, Yangon, Myanmar, February 27-March 1, 2019.