WCSE 2016
ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.061

Understanding Perceived Telecommunication Service Quality Discrepancies between Service Providers and Customers: Case of Telecommunication Service in China

Yen-Hung Chen, Pi-Tzong Jan, Lin-Kung Chen, Jin Wang, Yu-Chin Szu, Ching-Neng Lai

Abstract— The efficiency of telecommunication services (TS) has increased their popularity. However, objectively evaluating the quality and the potential of TS is difficult for the TS provider because its milieu differs from that of the customer. This obstructs the progression of TS development and usage. No study has established a satisfactory model for estimating the discrepancy. This study therefore provides a model for measuring the presence, magnitude, and form of the perception discrepancy regarding TS. This model further explores the conditions under which the perception discrepancy regarding TS occurs and predicts the direction of change. The analytical results demonstrate evidence that TS providers and customers differ in their preferences for TS, and the difference in milieu of the TS providers and customers correlate with the variation in preference. The contributions of this model are to help TS provider and customer gauge the pros and cons of investment in TS and shape corresponding strategy by linking the developed model, short/longterm TS strategies, and business activities related to TS.

Index Terms— telecommunication service, perception discrepancy, service quality.

Yen-Hung Chen
Institute for Information Industry, TAIWAN
Pi-Tzong Jan
Fo Guang University,, TAIWAN
Lin-Kung Chen
China University of Science and Technology, TAIWAN
Jin Wang
University of Wales, UK
Yu-Chin Szu
St. John's University, TAIWAN
Ching-Neng Lai
Hsing Wu University of Science and Technology, TAIWAN


Cite: Yen-Hung Chen, Pi-Tzong Jan, Lin-Kung Chen, Jin Wang, Yu-Chin Szu, Ching-Neng Lai, "Understanding Perceived Telecommunication Service Quality Discrepancies between Service Providers and Customers: Case of Telecommunication Service in China," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 382-385, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.