WCSE 2020 Summer
ISBN: 978-981-14-4787-7 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2020.06.072

Identity Privacy Protection Mechanism Based on Consortium Blockchain

Zongfang Tu, Feng Su, Hui Li

Abstract— Aiming at the problem of identity privacy security in blockchain algorithm, an improved identity privacy enhancement (GSPoV) consensus algorithm is proposed based on the PoV for the consortium blockchain. Firstly, a group signature mechanism is introduced in the consensus process, which can verify the validity of the signature, but can’t determine the signer, and the identity of the user is anonymous, thus enhancing the privacy protection of the real identity information. Secondly, the random selection algorithm of butler node in PoV consensus mechanism is improved, which reduces the possibility of mischief of butler node and group administrator, and enhances the security of GSPoV consensus algorithm

Index Terms— blockchain, consortium blockchain, group signature, pivacy protection

Zongfang Tu, Feng Su, Hui Li
Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, CHINA
Guangdong Communications & Networks Institute, CHINA


Cite: Zongfang Tu, Feng Su, Hui Li"Identity Privacy Protection Mechanism Based on Consortium Blockchain " Proceedings of 2020 the 10th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2020), pp.501-505 , Shanghai, China, 19-21 June, 2020.