WCSE 2022
ISBN: 978-981-18-3959-7 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2022.06.053

How well can we Memories? Finding an App with Customized Touch Gesture on Smartphone

Min Xia, Chi Zhang, Zhonghai Wu

Abstract—Smartphones have become the hub of people lives, on average, smartphone users have around a hundred apps installed on their devices where the number is ever growing. Approaches have been propose to allow user fasting access a small number of apps via the user-self defined gesture shortcuts. However, when the number of installed app keep increasing, can we still able to memories all these shortcuts remains unclear. Thus, it becomes more and more crucial to make sure the similar approaches can be applied for finding any target of our installed apps among a rather lager number of installed apps. In this paper, we conduct a study to understand the memorability of user-defined gestures when being used to access 15 frequently used mobile apps by 33 participants. Our results show that: (1) participants have achieved over 90% recall rate with their self-defined gesture shortcuts and (2) for those apps that users did not recall their gesture shortcuts successfully, there is a strong correlation between the mobile app icon design and the gesture creation.

Index Terms—gesture-based interaction, mobile computing, touch gesture, mobile search, memorability

Min Xia
School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University Beijing, CHINA
Chi Zhang
Swansea University, UK
Zhonghai Wu
School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University Beijing, CHINA


Cite:Min Xia, Chi Zhang, Zhonghai Wu, "How well can we Memories? Finding an App with Customized Touch Gesture on Smartphone, " Proceedings of 2022 the 12th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2022), pp. 373-381, June 24-27, 2022.