WCSE 2020 Summer
ISBN: 978-981-14-4787-7 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2020.06.031

Research and Realization of A Three-Level Label System for Railway Locomotive Equipment Portrait

Xin Li, Tianyun Shi, Bao Chang, Xiaoning Ma, Jun Liu

Abstract—Locomotives are important transportation production equipment for railway industry. Carrying out equipment portrait analysis and label system research is an important way to promote the development of big data technologies in railway locomotive system. Firstly, by briefly summarizing the theoretical knowledge of portrait technology and label technology, this paper researches and designs a technical framework suitable for locomotive label system and locomotive equipment portrait. Secondly, based on this technical framework, the three-level label system of locomotives is introduced in detail. Finally, an optimized clustering algorithm for centroid selection is proposed to form a complete and reasonable locomotive label system. The related research of locomotive label system can help to realize the applications of locomotive equipment portrait, improve the railway transportation production efficiency, and strengthen the safety management ability

Index Terms— big data, portrait technology, label technology, locomotive, clustering algorithm

Xin Li, Tianyun Shi, Bao Chang, Xiaoning Ma, Jun Liu
Postgraduate Department, China Academy of Railway Sciences, CHINA
Institute of Computing Technology, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, CHINA


Cite:Xin Li, Tianyun Shi, Bao Chang, Xiaoning Ma, Jun Liu, " Research and Realization of A Three-Level Label System for Railway Locomotive Equipment Portrait" Proceedings of 2020 the 10th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2020), pp. 195-203, Shanghai, China, 19-21 June, 2020.